Brantford Weather Report

Friday, January 9, 2015

Fest Eve

That's right it's Football Fest Eve. Congratulations on making through another year, all the way to the end of the yellow brick road that leads to this.

The pork is smoking (these are real pictures from the Skinner residence):

The lineup is set. The menu is ready. The agenda is chock-full of awesome.

And, in a very important development, we have a solution to keep Tom Brady's shenanigans under control:

I also have a confession: I suffer from a form of Football-Fest-Dyslexia. Back around American Thanksgiving, I noticed that the ESPN mobile website looked like this (below). The problem is the whole reason I "screen-shotted" this...I thought it said "Get Ready For A Football Fest" not "Feast". Up until today, I was saving this screen shot to deploy today, on Fest Eve. Only just now have I realized the error of my ways. Oh well: get ready for a "Football Feast!"

Before I sign off, I thought I would share where Tom has been on his leash:

...waterskiing on the Charles in Boston


Uh oh...he's caught in a subway!!

Whew...sad Ben Affleck Batman saved him!

Batman needed a drink, so he tied up Tom's leash outside the bar.

Rest up boys. 24 hours to Fest Bowl kickoff. Cheers!

Thursday, January 8, 2015

Fest Bowl Preview: Skinner = Rodgers; Rodgers = Skinner

I want to let you in on something. Aaron Rodgers learned everything he knows from Scott Skinner. It's true. For a great piece on how Aaron Rodgers throws a beautiful long ball, read the following on Trust me, you'll be seeing a lot of it at the Fest Bowl.

From ESPN: Aaron Rodgers on the Art of the Deep Ball

Don't you believe me? You. Have. Seen. This. Before.

Important info for you to know before Saturday

I have always liked Adam Schefter. Now I know why:

The "Music City Miracle" should never have been

2 days to go!

Tom: "Hey Gronk! 2 days until!! Football !! Fest!!! Ya!!!!!!!"

Tom and Gronk are pumped. So am I. And me, Tom, and Gronk hope you are too. All the news you need to know:

(1) We need water and supplies. The food plan is almost complete. Thanks to everyone, as usual, for stepping up! We still need some water and some supplies such as napkins, cutlery, plates, cups, etc. Please email me that you can take this on.

(2) Parking details. I think we will have enough spots (5) to fit all the cars. But if you're driving it wouldn't hurt to email Scott your details per the last update.

(3) Night out plans. Scott has found a local pub that has live music. Sweeeeet. It's the London Pub at 9724 Yonge St. The live band is Ravyn Red and I believe they do covers. I'm not sure if they take requests nor if they allow guest-lead-singers (Bear).

(4) Fest Bowl might need some extra manpower. Cam has let me know he is ill with the flu (man, it's been bad this year!) so his status for Football Fest is now "out." Feel better Cam! Greg will be arriving a bit later on Saturday. I still haven't heard for sure re: Grant, Chad, or Jamie J. As such we have 8 men for the Fest Bowl which is just fine, but if anyone else bows out we may need some back up. I guess even 3 on 3 would work. Ideas are welcome!

(5) Squares. If all 9 guys are in for squares the prizes will look like this:

Halftime winning square for Balt @ NE: $20
End of game winning square for Balt @ NE: $70
Halftime winning square for Car @ Sea $20
End of game winning square for Car @ Sea: $70

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

4 days to go! Daily update below...and more from Potty Mouth Tom...

Only four days to go until Football Fest 2015! It's almost here!!!

Some updates:

(1) The head count. We are up to 10 people confirmed for the big event - this is excellent! There are still 5 in the "TBD" bucket. Skinner has mentioned that we might get one or two local additions as well.

(2) Food. Let's get this organized. Check the right column of this website for the current situation. We need volunteers to step up please. Let me know via email what you can contribute.

(3) Reminders. Further down the right column of this website are important reminders that you don't want to miss. Scott has informed me that there are several "cushioned" sleeping stations (3 beds, a pull out couch, a sectional) but it's a good idea to bring blankets/sleeping bags/pillows. On a somewhat-related-note, it's BYOB as usual. I've heard that drinking will increase the comfort of your sleep. Don't forget football gear and clean clothes that would work for a night out in case we head to a local pub.

(4) Parking. There is room for four cars. Extras will need to be identified with the town so we don't get tickets. So email me the following if you're driving and I'll get it over to Scott: (a) make, (b) model, (c) license plate, (d) colour, (e) your cell number.

(5) Timing. Remember to meet at Scott's for 12 noon. Address and map is to the right. If you are late, come straight to the site of the Fest Bowl. It will be held at Mary Dawson park. Kickoff is 1 pm.

(6) Money. New this year!! Bring $30 plus whatever you want for poker and other activities. The $30 is for squares ($20) and cleaning ($10) for the host. More on squares below. As for the $10, I had an idea that we should all contribute toward a cleaning service for the host moving forward. Sorry that we didn't come up with this years ago. I suppose that this is optional but strongly encouraged.

(7) Squares. Also new this year!! $20 will be collected from each of you - it is the full cost of squares this year. I'm assuming everyone is in, so let me know if you would rather not participate. I will collect it all at once and this will get you squares for both games. Squares will be split evenly amongst all participants and the numbers for the squares will be drawn randomly. Prizes will go to winning squares at half and at the end of both games. Prizes (approx) - 15% at half of each game and 35% at the end of each game...all funds collected are paid out. I'm calling this the "For Joel" or the "FJ" (for short) approach.

That's about it for now. If you didn't like today's update, Tom has a message for you:

Monday, January 5, 2015

Tom...what do you think about the Football Fest NFL game lineup?

Tom, did you hear we aren't getting Manning vs. Luck, nor GB vs. Dallas? And we are stuck with you vs. Baltimore (again!) and Seattle playing a team with a losing record at home!

What do you think?

Fest Matchups are set!

The Football Fest evening slate of games has been set. Looks fun! At least it might be fun to guess how badly Seattle will blow out Carolina. Now, I'm not saying I would trade the Saturday games for the Sunday games (because I TOTALLY would, I'm just not saying it).

Here are the details...

Stay tuned for more details on Squares and other fun. There is a slight change in store for the squares to keep things moving as easily has possible. Joel has expressed his dissatisfaction with my "in the moment" facilitation of the squares in the I'm looking to improve for 2015!

Sunday, January 4, 2015

Football Fest 2015 is nearly here!

The location is set. Mr. Scott Skinner is the host with the most. Time, date, teams...all set. We need everyone to confirm their attendance (or not) so we can put the food plan in motion!

It's on...and remember: